How Can I Support My Partner to Quit Smoking?
Explain to your partner that you understand how difficult it is to quit smoking, and remind him that you are there for him every step of the way. Your partner might think he can quit smoking on his own, but ask him how you can help, the Quebec Lung Association advises. You can help by refusing to buy your partner cigarettes, not lighting a cigarette around him and by designating your home a "smoke-free" zone.
Help your partner avoid typical triggers that might induce nicotine cravings. According to the National Cancer Institute, these triggers can include being around other smokers, waking up in the morning, stress, driving a car, drinking coffee or tea, eating a meal, drinking alcohol or boredom.
Invent ways to help your partner resist the urge to smoke, especially during trigger times. To prevent smoking in the morning, plan a new wake-up routine that might involve exercise, reading or eating breakfast before showering --- or vice versa. Encourage your partner to practice deep breathing whenever she craves a cigarette and to drink one glass of water, advises the National Cancer Institute. Stress can be avoided by practicing relaxation techniques and by setting a aside a time each day for rest and relaxation.
Buy nicotine replacement products for your partner. According to the National Cancer Institute, they work to help relieve the cravings and withdrawal symptoms people feel when they quit smoking. Choose between the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, nicotine lozenge, nicotine nasal spray or a nicotine inhaler. It is not as harmful for a person to get nicotine from a nicotine replacement product than it is by smoking cigarettes.
Accompany your partner to any group meetings he might join to help him quit smoking. He might choose to participate in individual counseling or join a local support group.
Celebrate and reward your partner's accomplishments. According to The Quebec Lung Association, it is better to give your partner an immediate reward for small triumphs rather than promising something bigger when she quits for good. For example, take her out for dinner, or buy her something she really wants when she is able to get through a smoke free-day.