How to Deal with Addiction with No Professional Help
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pen
Acknowledge that you do have an addiction and need help to overcome it. Trying to quit an addiction for the benefit of someone else (rather than for your own well-being) will make it more difficult to reach your goal.
Write down the different things that trigger you to turn to your addiction. Addictions are often used to avoid a problem or fear. Think about the last time you turned to your addiction, and write down what steps led you to it.
Learn to deal with the issues that bother you without relying on your addiction. Read books that deal with the problems that are causing you to turn to unhealthy behavior. One good resource is "Willpower's Not Enough: Recovering from Addictions of Every Kind," by Arnold Washton, PhD. and Donna Boundy, MSW.
Join a support group. While this is not professional help, it is a way to stay accountable to someone other than yourself. It can also help to know that others are going through the same struggles you are.
Find a hobby that will keep you busy. Too much idle time can lead to temptation.