Alcohol Residential Detox & Treatment for Women
Need for Residential Detox
Medical professionals recommend residential detoxification for women who are likely to experience severe withdrawal symptoms due to recent heavy alcohol use. In residential detox, women may receive medications to help ease withdrawal symptoms and medical professionals may monitor them closely for serious complications, such as seizures.
Need for Residential Treatment
Mental health care professionals recommend residential treatment for women they believe will not likely abstain from alcohol if they receive treatment on an outpatient basis. They also recommend residential treatment for women who experience severe depression; who seem unable to care for themselves; who have suicidal urges; or who may pose a danger to others.
Need for Gender Specific Treatment
Some mental health professionals recommend gender-specific alcohol treatment, especially in a residential setting. Women may feel more comfortable sharing personal information in all-female groups and professionals may tailor group sessions to topics that are of particular concern to women.