Personality Influences in Problem Gambling

Problem gambling causes behavioral changes in psychological, physical, social or vocational areas of your life. These behavioral changes may include restlessness, irritability, addiction or loss of control while gambling. A few personality traits may influence problem gambling, which may disrupt life activities or strain any close relationship.
  1. Definition of Problem Gambling

    • Problem gambling is classified as an impulse-control disorder in which sufferers cannot control the desire to gamble despite knowing the negative consequences. Those who allow gambling to disrupt daily life activities--such as continuously thinking about or spending more time and money gambling--may have a gambling problem. Gamblers do not have to participate in gambling every day to be addicted. As long as the addiction causes disruption in life activities, problem gambling surfaces.

    Personality Traits

    • Impulsiveness, depression and antisocial behavior are related to problem gambling. A person with antisocial behavior withdraws from social events or social activity with others, fails to follow normal social standards and shows impulsive, irresponsible and reckless behavior. Both genetic and environmental factors cause antisocial personality disorder. Impulsiveness means suddenly acting without any thought. A person with impulsive behavior may be prone to problem gambling due to her inability to control impulses. Individuals who suffer from depression maybe be genetically wired to suffer from depression. WebMD suggests that 30 percent of individuals with depression also suffer from substance abuse problems.


    • The first step in overcoming a gambling addiction is recognizing the problem. Loss of money, strained relationships and a continuous desire to gamble are major signs of problem gambling. Group support programs and cognitive behavior therapy are available for those who recognize these signs and the affects on their personalities. After seeking help, it is necessary for them to maintain a changed lifestyle with continuous effort.

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