Classic Signs of an Abuser at the Workplace
Absence from Work
People who have a drug or alcohol problem will routinely miss work. When they do show up and the boss asks why they didn’t come in, they usually do not have a justifiable reason.
Frequently, people who are abusers won’t show up to work on time. When they do show up for work, they will have a poor excuse for being late. Abusers will often find ways to leave work early, as well.
Unnecessary Breaks
People struggling with substance abuse will frequently take long lunch breaks. They will often leave the office without reason and without telling anybody they are leaving.
Job Performance
The job performance of abusers dramatically drops. They don’t get their assignments done on time, they forget important meetings, and their work is often shoddy.
Abusers in the workplace will avoid coworkers and their superiors. Abusers keep to themselves.
Personal Appearance
Abusers begin looking disheveled. They do not take care of their personal hygiene: Their hair is always messy and their clothes look wrinkled and dirty. They may also loose or gain weight suddenly, for no apparent reason.
Mood Changes
People who are substance abusers will exhibit drastic mood changes, depending on whether they have had their fix. They can begin the day happy, but suddenly throw a raging fit or become depressed for no reason.