How to Stop Binge Drinking
Make a list of the reasons you want to stop, recommends College Drinking, a website created by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This could include things like wanting to feel better, to become more healthy or to get along better with family and friends. Carry this list around with you and read it whenever you feel the urge to binge drink.
Set an alcohol limit for yourself before you start drinking, maybe two pints of beer or two glasses of wine for the evening, and tell people, so they can help you stick to your limit.
Write down exactly how much you drink and put this in a highly visible place, such as on the fridge. This will help make it clear exactly how often and how much you consume and make it easier to stick to your limits.
Remove alcohol from your house. You'll find it easier to stop binge drinking if you remove the temptation to start! In addition, avoid places and occasions where you may be tempted to binge drink.
Drink slowly when you do drink and try and eat food before and while drinking. This will slow the absorption of alcohol.
Drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink. This will rehydrate you and slow down your alcohol consumption.
Practice saying no. A polite “no thank you, maybe later” should suffice when someone offers you a drink. If it doesn't, think about finding new people to spend your social time with.
Find alternatives to drinking. You could learn another language, take up a hobby or do some exercise.
Reward yourself for not binge drinking. Use the money you save to go out for a meal, visit the cinema or buy something nice for yourself or someone you know.