Qualifications to Be Placed in Halfway Houses
Halfway houses are specifically designed to help provide support to recovering addicts going through the reentry process into normal daily life after spending time in a rehabilitation facility. Living in a halfway house assists former addicts in feeling comfortable and secure in their decision not to succumb to addiction again. This is generally by virtue of the fact that other inhabitants of the halfway house are also undergoing addiction recovery and can offer the empathy that others in the addict's life might not have.-
It is not necessarily required to have recently been released from a treatment facility in order to gain acceptance into a halfway house. Depending on the halfway house, some places will accept addicts who demonstrate the desire to live soberly and without negative outside influences.
Ramifications of a Relapse While Living in a Halfway House
If you relapse during your stay at a halfway house (a time frame that usually lasts from three to six months), there are four possible consequences contingent upon the gravity of the relapse: you will be referred to a drug detox program, a residential addiction treatment program and an outpatient addiction treatment program, or you will be expelled from the halfway house.
Potential Violations of the Halfway House Clean Living Objectives
Using or possessing any type of drug on the premises, breaking curfew, gambling, bringing non-tenants into the house without permission, not seeking employment or education, not attending nightly AA or NA meetings, going to bars or nightclubs, and engaging in physical violence are all potential violations that might end your stay in the halfway house.