How to Receive Counseling for Drug Use After Your Child Has Been Taken Away
Talk to your social worker or case manager. After your child has been taken away, the state will assign you a case manager. Part of her responsibility is to help you locate community resources and make contact with these organizations. When you meet with your case manager for the first time, talk to her about your substance abuse problem and let her know that you would like to begin a counseling program.
Contact the health department. If you do not have insurance or the financial resources to pay for your counseling, your local health department can refer you to low-cost detox programs or community health centers that help persons with substance abuse issues.
Find a support group. In addition to working with an addictions counselor or rehabilitation clinic, join a support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. These groups can support you between appointments with your counselor and give you a support system of drug-free individuals who may be coping with similar family crises.
Get documentation of your treatment. Once you begin to work with a counselor, clinic or support group, ask for paperwork documenting your attendance at each session or meeting. The family court may need to see this documentation in order to consider placing your child back in your care.
Make a long-term plan. As you work with your substance counselor, consider how you plan to handle any future relapses and how you will protect your children if you have a setback and use drugs again.
Ask your counselor to testify for you in dependency court. If drug use was one of the main reasons that your child has been taken away, the family court judge may want to hear testimony from your counselor and verify that you are complying with your rehabilitation program and are fit to parent.