Alcohol Treatment FAQ
Can Alcohol Addiction Be Cured?
To date, there is no cure for alcoholism. An alcoholic can relapse at any time and must manage his disease on a day-by-day basis.
What Are the Treatments for Alcoholism?
The standard treatment model for alcohol addiction is inpatient treatment in a rehabilitation center followed by maintenance therapy in groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. One-on-one counseling or psychotherapy may also be implemented.
Are There Any Medications for Alcoholism?
According to, three medications have been approved to treat alcoholism: Antabuse, Campral and Naltrexone. Antabuse works by inducing illness when alcohol is consumed, while Naltrexone and Campral help relieve symptoms like anxiety and alcohol cravings.
Can an Alcoholic Be Forced to Seek Help?
In most instances, an alcoholic cannot be forced into treatment without a court order stemming from an alcohol or drug-related charge. A planned intervention can help convince the addict to seek treatment.
Where Can Recovering Addicts Find Support?
Many support groups exist for alcohol addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are the most well-known, but you can also find help online and at community centers and religious institutions across the country.