How to Reduce Smoking
Things You'll Need
- Mock cigarettes
- Gum
- Toothpick
- Support group
- Nicotine-replacement products
Detach smoking from common places. Many people smoke most in conjunction with other activities, such as at a coffee shop or a bar, while talking on the phone, or while driving in the car. Consider where these places are for you and then forbid yourself from smoking there or limit yourself to one cigarette.
Substitute other activities for smoking. Many people find that beyond the addiction to nicotine, the habit of smoking and the oral fixation of having a cigarette in their mouths can be a hard aspect of smoking to kick. Try and substitute a stick of gum for a cigarette. Chew for as long as you would be smoking a cigarette. Keep a toothpick in your mouth instead of a cigarette. Now there are even mock cigarettes available that light up and give you the sensation of smoking while dispensing a harmless vapor that looks like smoke.
Use quitting aids. There are many nicotine-replacement products--gum, patches, lozenges--that can ease the withdrawal symptoms and wean you off the addictive drug. These products come in steps to gradually reduce your nicotine intake.
Join a support group. The collective experience and support of a group of your peers might provide the encouragement you need to reduce and eventually quit smoking. Find out about such groups at local churches or community centers, or search on-line for in-person or on-line groups. There are also hotlines with counselors available to help you deal with smoking cessation.
Talk to your doctor. Your doctor can be a supportive partner in your quitting quest and can even prescribe medications to help you quit. If you feel that the basic methods and over-the-counter quitting products are not enough, make an appointment.