How to Spot Addiction to Prescription Drugs in Other People
Monitor the person's use of prescription medications. A person who is addicted to prescription drugs will quickly become dependent on larger doses and will start using more of the medication than what was prescribed.
Find out where the person's prescriptions are coming from. Often a person who has developed a dependency on prescription drugs will go to many different doctors in order to get extra prescriptions.
Look for signs of dependency. The person may have an unusually strong urge to take the prescription drugs, or he may not be able to limit the amount he uses.
Observe the person for withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms will occur if the person stops taking the medication because his body has developed a physical dependency on the medication. Withdrawal symptoms include nausea, sweating, anxiety, chills, and dilated pupils.
See if the person's prescription drug use is disrupting her daily life. Prescription drug addiction often interferes with a person's relationships with family and friends, and it can affect her performance at work or school.
Pay attention to the signs of a compulsive need for prescription medications. Prescription drug addiction causes a physical dependency that is so strong that the person will crave the medication and misuse it without concern for potential dangers, which may include overdose.