How to Survive Crack Addiction
Seek help through a professional detoxification program. Talk to your physician about referring you to a reputable center. Look on the Internet for a detox program that has been operating for many years and has a good track record in helping addicts recover. Plan on spending a couple of weeks under the supervision of a trained physician to help you restore the damage that has occurred to your brain, liver, kidneys and other organs. After the toxins have left your body, you are in a position to rebuild your life through rehabilitation.
Enter a 12-step recovery program for addicts. Attend meetings daily near your residence. Narcotics Anonymous and Narconon are two well-known 12-step programs to help crack addicts. Make friends with leaders in the group and ask a more experienced addict to mentor you in a sponsor relationship. He or she will guide you through the steps of recovery by helping you understand the process. Take the opportunity to talk in the group meetings about your struggle to stay clean. Call your sponsor daily and celebrate your recovery one day at a time.
Develop a balanced nutritional plan to help your body restore many of the lost nutrients that were lacking during your addiction. Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, meats and some fats. Avoid sugary foods and processed foods. Do not consume alcohol, because your addiction to drugs can easily turn into a dependency on alcohol. One addiction cannot substitute another. As you develop a healthy diet, you will feel better about life and have the energy that you sought through using crack.
Choose a qualified counselor or therapist to work through some of the root causes of your addiction. A psychologist, psychiatrist or other spiritual counselor can help you process the pain from your past and find new and more effective ways to heal your damaged emotions.
Attend a religious service that develops your spiritual life and helps you understand your beliefs in a deeper way. Engage regularly in social activities with others who share your religious beliefs; make sure the activities never involve drugs or alcohol.
Keep to a regular sleep schedule of 8 or more hours per night. Many crack cocaine addicts are sleep deprived. Develop the discipline of going to bed at a regular time and waking up on time.
Get your day going with a morning workout, such as a walk or a jog on the beach or in a park. Buy a bicycle and use it for short trips instead of driving. Join a gym or a sports club at a local recreation center. Racquetball, tennis, soccer or golf are examples of physical activities that can accelerate your recovery.