Youth Smoking Causes & Effects
Peer Pressure
Many young people start smoking because of peer pressure. They will try their first cigarette or continue smoking cigarettes in order to fit in with friends, to become popular or because they are afraid to say no.
Advertisements and images that promote or glamorize cigarettes often influence young people to smoke. Celebrities who smoke in movies or on television send the message to young people that smoking is "cool."
Health Problems
Young people can develop a variety of health problems early on from smoking, like bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. They can also develop more severe problems later in life, including respiratory problems, cancer, heart disease and vision and hearing problems.
Second-Hand Smoke
Young people who do not smoke themselves can still suffer from the negative effects of second-hand smoke. Those who are exposed to the second-hand smoke of family members or friends may still develop respiratory problems, cancer or heart disease.
Negative Behavior
According to the American Cancer Society, research shows that teenagers who smoke cigarettes are more likely to abuse alcohol, use illegal drugs or engage in other high-risk activities than those who do not smoke.