What intervention steps can be used when a soldier exhibits signs of substance abuse?
Talk to the soldier about your concerns. Be specific about the behaviors you've observed and how they've affected the soldier's work, relationships, and health.
2. Express concern.
Let the soldier know that you're concerned about their well-being and want to help.
Be supportive and non-judgmental.
3. Offer resources.
Provide the soldier with information about substance abuse treatment programs and support groups. Encourage them to seek help.
4. Set limits.
Let the soldier know that you won't tolerate substance abuse in the workplace or around your family. Set clear consequences for continued substance abuse.
5. Follow up.
Stay in touch with the soldier and monitor their progress. Offer your support and encouragement throughout their recovery.
Additional intervention steps that can be used include:
* Motivational interviewing: A technique that helps people explore their ambivalence about change and develop the motivation to make positive changes.
* Cognitive-behavioral therapy: A type of therapy that helps people change their thoughts and behaviors that contribute to substance abuse.
* Family therapy: A type of therapy that helps families deal with the challenges of living with a loved one who is struggling with substance abuse.
If the soldier is in immediate danger, call 911 or take them to the nearest emergency room.