What is a victim impact statement?

A victim impact statement is a written or oral statement made by a victim of a crime to the court. It allows the victim to express how the crime has affected them physically, emotionally, financially, and psychologically. It is used in criminal proceedings to help the court understand the impact of the crime on the victim and take this into consideration when sentencing the offender.

The statement can include information about the physical and emotional injuries suffered, any financial losses incurred, and the impact on the victim's personal life, relationships, and sense of security. The victim may also describe how the crime has affected their ability to work, attend school, or participate in activities they previously enjoyed.

Victim impact statements are important because they give the victim a voice in the criminal justice process and allow them to be heard and acknowledged. They can also be used to seek restitution or compensation from the offender.

In many jurisdictions, victim impact statements are required by law to be considered by the court when determining a sentence for a criminal offense. They can also be used during parole or probation hearings to help the court make decisions about the release or supervision of the offender.

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