How to Look for an A.A. Sponsor
Attend a lot of meetings. According to, you should attend 90 meetings in 90 days. Get to know the people at the meetings and observe who is serious and who isn't. Ask the people who consistently return whether they can recommend a sponsor who they think would be a good match for you. Volunteer and attend extracurricular events within the A.A. community. Show your commitment to the process and expect to attract a sponsor who is also committed.
Go with your gut instinct. Your A.A. sponsor should be someone with whom you feel comfortable talking and sharing your secrets, insecurities and hopes. This person should feel like your best friend. Choose a sponsor with whom you naturally "click."
Choose someone who makes time for you. Know that you need a sponsor whom you can call day or night, whenever you need to be encouraged.
Choose someone who understands that recovery is a lifelong process. Your sponsor should be active within the A.A. community and attend meetings regularly, regardless of how long he's been sober. Choose a sponsor who "walks the walk and talks the talk." Pick a sponsor who believes in and emphasizes the steps and is further along in the process than you.
Ask your higher power to send you a sponsor. During prayer, mediation, writing in your journal or in whatever manner you communicate with your spiritual source, ask for a sponsor to aid in your growth and recovery. Ask for a definite sign about whom your sponsor should be.
Look with patience. Know that it's more important to meet the right sponsor than to meet a sponsor quickly.
Choose a sponsor who is the same gender as you. Don't allow sexual attraction or the potential of a romantic relationship interfere with your recovery. Choose a sponsor with whom you can concentrate on healing and getting sober.