Problem Gambling Conferences
General Information
Problem gambling conferences usually include lectures, presentations and workshops that feature the latest addiction trends and treatment options as they pertain to gambling addiction. Such conferences are held all over the world. In addition to their presence in the United States, similar efforts are also found from Europe to the Asian-Pacific rim.
National Council on Problem Gambling
As of 2011, the National Council on Problem Gambling has held problem gambling conferences for 25 years straight. The 2011 conference took place in Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to the presentations and educational materials offered, information was provided for sightseeing and other activities in the Boston area. The activities were included as the council's way to encourage participants to bring family members.
Responsible Gambling
The Responsible Gambling Council is an organization in Canada. Its 2011 conference was held in the capital city of Ottawa and . One of the heightened targets of that particular conference involved attention upon issues of youth gambling. The materials included a dramatization of youth gambling acted out by teens themselves as well as high school centered projects and a scholarship competition as well.
Asia Specific
As of 2011, the Asian-Pacific Problem Gambling and Addictions Conference was held for the third time. Convening in Hong Kong, the conference stressed the importance of including many disciplines in gambling addiction treatment, as well as the need for international cooperation on the issue. Additionally, the conference sought to addition characteristics specific to people in Asai-Pacific.