How to Kick My Sugar Binges
Change how you view your eating habits. Instead of lusting after sugary products, think "I want to eat healthy because I feel better." If you find yourself thinking about snacking on sugar, kick the thoughts out of your mind by telling yourself, "you can have a treat after you have been for a 20 minute jog."
Exercise regularly. Swim, run or play team sports. Using energy releases endorphins into the body. This is a natural "feel good" chemical that has a similar effect to a sugar binge so you body's craving for sugar reduces.
Substitute sugary snacks with healthy snacks in your fridge and cupboards. When you feel hungry you turn to these instead of the cakes. Carrot sticks with hummus, nuts and dried fruit, for example, are full of nutrients and fill you when you feel peckish.
Keep hydrated. Drink plenty of water to keep your fluid levels up. The body sometimes feels hungry when in fact it is dehydrated. If you think about eating sugary foods, grab a glass of water instead.
Eliminate caffeine from your diet because caffeine reduces your blood sugar levels and you are more likely to crave and then binge on sugar. If you need a replacement, drink herbal teas.
Stock up on fresh fruits. The natural sugars they contain are healthy and will give you the sugar boost you need without compromising your health.
Increase protein and fibers in your diet to fill yourself up. Include fish, lean meats, vegetables and whole grain as part of your balanced diet.