Substance Abuse Issues
Signs of Substance Abuse
It's important to know what factors may point to a person who is abusing a substance. Substance abuse will often cause you to neglect personal responsibilities at school or work, and with family and friends. It can put a huge strain on a relationship and lead to verbal or physical fights or other legal trouble. People who are abusing a substance may exhibit some dangerous behavior patterns such as having unprotected sex, stealing to support their habit, driving while under the influence or other reckless behaviors that place themselves and others in danger. They might become withdrawn from their usual routine and everyone they know.
Physical Health & Injury
An issue someone who is abusing a substance may potentially have to face is physical harm or injury to themselves or others. Because abusing a substance often leads to reckless behaviors and poor self-control, the consequences may include injury from a car accident or physical altercation with another person, a sexually transmitted disease or other illness -- or possibly even suicide or an act of homicide. Often when you rely heavily on a substance, you will do almost anything to be able to use that substance, and this will almost always result in bodily harm and damaged health if allowed to continue.
Mental Health
Physical health issues aren't the only issue someone abusing a substance may face. Damage to mental health is also a major possibility. Depression may be a major factor in the life of someone abusing a substance. Due to the chemical roller coaster on the body by the dependency, it is also possible for a person to face a great sense of apathy, withdrawal from society, anxiety, aggression, suicidal thoughts and various other conduct problems.
Relationships often suffer when substance abuse is part of the equation. Many people abusing a substance will feel alienated from the rest of their family and friends, and will often avoid situations where facing people they know is a possibility. Relationships with friends, spouses, significant others and family members are often placed underneath the need for the particular substance, causing these relationships to be strained and sometimes dissolve.
Another issue that often faces someone with a substance abuse problem is financial trouble. Because it takes money to support the habit and purchase the substance, you could lose all the money they have saved, or become buried in credit payments. A person with a substance abuse problem is in danger of losing their job which also negatively affects finances. Being so dependent on the substance clouds judgment and influences work ethic which is why loss of work is likely.