Support Groups for Parents with Addicted Kids
Parents of Addicted Kids
Parents of Addicted Kids meets in Hummelstown, Penn. It is a support network for those who have a member of their family currently using drugs, recovering from addiction or who have died from drug or alcohol use. The group is not affiliated with religious sects, AA or counseling agencies.
Families Anonymous, Inc.
Families Anonymous is a 12-step support group with meeting locations across the United States. There are no fees associated with this support group, along with no formal forms to fill out. There are online meetings for those who cannot attend a local meeting. Their website states that the type of person who may attend these meetings is anyone "whose life has been adversely affected by another person's use of drugs, alcohol, or related behavioral problems."
Alateen has been assisting young people and their families to overcome addiction for more than 55 years. Alateen understands that addiction not only affects the addicted person but also affects his or her loved ones. At meetings, members share their person experiences and feelings regarding addiction and how to overcome it. Support group meetings are located throughout the United States. For more information, call 888-4AL-NON.
Nar-Anon Family Groups
A worldwide program, Nar-Anon Family Groups are available to assist people who have been affected by the addiction of someone else. It is a 12-step program to help relatives and friends with living with an addicted friend or family member. Literature on the program can be found on their website.