What Drugs Are Tested for in Drug Screening?

Employers, law enforcement personnel, parents and schools use drug testing in a variety of applications to determine if someone is using illegal drugs or even using prescription drugs illegally. Drug screening methods are usually done by testing urine, saliva, blood or hair. Typically, drug screens test for five drugs, although in some cases tests might screen for 10 drugs or more. Most screens do not include alcohol because it metabolizes out of the system within 12 to 18 hours.
  1. Amphetamines

    • Amphetamine use --- along with the derivatives such as methamphetamine, speed or crank --- causes a multitude of health and emotional problems for the user. These speed up bodily functions, and symptoms include increased heart rate, weight loss, sleeplessness and paranoia. Amphetamines remain in the system for only about 48 hours.


    • THC includes cannabinoids, hash and --- most commonly --- marijuana. THC remains in the cells and the body longer than almost any other drug. Tests detect casual use for three to four days after the fact, and long-term or chronic users might test positive for marijuana several weeks after last using.


    • Cocaine, also known as coke or crack, results in overall euphoria and increased alertness. However, continued use can damage the heart and eventually result in death. This addictive drug remains in the system from two to 10 days, depending on how it is ingested (smoked, snorted or injected) and the drug's purity.


    • Opiates, derived from the poppy plant, commonly include opium, codeine and heroin. Prescriptions also include morphine, Percodan and Demerol. They act as powerful pain relievers; doctors usually limit prescriptions to extreme cases and prescribe these for brief periods of time. As a depressant, typical signs of use include sleepiness, loss of appetite, sweating and irritability. Opiates stay in the system from one to three days.


    • Phencyclidine, which goes by the street name of PCP or angel dust, acts as a hallucinogen. This can result in variable, unpredictable and irrational behavior. Extended use can lead to extreme paranoia. PCP remains in the system for about a week.

    Other Drugs

    • In certain cases, the employer, school or parent wants to test for other drugs. One such drug, barbiturates, slows the system down. These include phenobarbital and downers. Tests also might screen for benzodiazepines, which covers the category of tranquilizers including Xanax, Librium and Valium. Drug tests might look for methaqualone, commonly called Quaaludes. Some heroin addicts take methadone as a prescription to recover from heroin use, and ests also screen for use of this drug. A screen may also look for the presence of propoxyphene, which goes by the trade name of Darvon. Further testing, although not as common, includes hallucinogens (peyote, mushrooms, LSD, mescaline); inhalants (hairspray, glue, paint); steroids; MDMA or ecstasy; and hydrocodones (Vicodin, Lortab or Oxycodone).

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