Signs of a Coke Addict
A cocaine addict can be recognized by dilated pupils and bloodshot eyes. Because cocaine is an appetite suppressant, addicts can go for days without eating. This leads to a significant amount of weight loss and possible malnourishment. Addicts may complain about headaches, and those who snort cocaine may suffer from frequent nose bleeds or stuffy noses. Tracks and puncture marks from needles in the lower arms can also indicate cocaine use.
A cocaine addict isolates herself from others. The drug becomes more important than family, friends, work or school. The addict is frequently absent from work or school and loses interest in hobbies and social activities. A cocaine abuser builds up a tolerance for the drugs. She chases the high that the drug gives and has to use more and more to feel good. To get the money to buy the drugs, she can end up stealing from friends and family members or resort to criminal activity. During the high, the drug user will have a lot of energy but once this high fades, she will be left tired and fatigued.
Depression and Health Risks
Cocaine can be used as a method to self-medicate. Users may start using cocaine because of feelings of depression. While high, you experience euphoria, but soon after, you will come back down and will have to face your depression again. Cocaine is also linked to high blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat and a rise in body temperature. Cocaine users can vomit and experience blurred vision and muscle spasms. Ultimately, cocaine abuse can lead to death.
A cocaine addict can leave behind traces of his cocaine use. Often, products lying around the house are used as drug paraphernalia. Razor blades may be used to cut cocaine lines. Rolled-up dollar bills and straws that are cut in half can be used to snort cocaine through. Used syringes that are lying around are another way of identifying a cocaine user. Drug paraphernalia may also be found on the user himself.