The Stages of the Breakdown of Alcohol in the Body
Alcohol hits your bloodstream first. When you ingest alcohol, it reaches your stomach first and then your small intestine. This is where alcohol gets absorbed into your bloodstream. Alcohol is absorbed by small blood vessels and is transported to your liver. Once in your liver, your metabolism starts to break down the alcohol. Alcohol gets metabolized by enzymes that convert it into a non-toxic acid. About 80 to 90 percent of alcohol ingested is broken down by your metabolism.
Alcohol is excreted through urine. Excretion is another way that your body removes alcohol from your system, although it is only a small percent. Alcohol gets eliminated mainly through urine after passing through the kidneys. Other methods of excretion that the body uses to remove alcohol include saliva, sweat, milk and feces.
Your lungs give off alcohol in your breath. Your lungs exhale about 5 percent of ingested alcohol. This makes a breathalyzer test possible for determining if alcohol is present in your system. Alcohol in the breath comes from blood reaching the air in the lungs through certain air sacs, called alveoli.
Levels of Alcohol in the Body
Make sure you know your alcohol limits. Blood alcohol content is the most accurate measure of how much alcohol is in your body. It is measured by what percent of your blood is alcohol. If your BAC is 0.10, then 0.10 percent of your blood is alcohol. A breathalyzer test is less accurate than taking blood but much easier to administer. A urine test can also show alcohol levels in your system. Your body takes a long time to break down alcohol in your system. If you drink more alcohol than your body can break down in a short amount of time, you will increase your BAC.