How to Get Sober & Fight the Urge to Drink
Announce your plan to friends and family. When you share your plan with others, their awareness makes you more accountable. Your friends and family can provide support as you stop drinking.
Eliminate the alcohol in your home. Pour it out or give it away when you decide you do not want to drink alcohol anymore. Do not buy any alcohol to serve to others, because the temptation may be too difficult to avoid.
Keep your mind and hands occupied. Take a class, learn a hobby, join a sporting team or participate in activities that will keep you busy so you do not miss the alcohol as much. Use the money you save by not purchasing alcohol to fund other activities that do not involve alcohol.
Avoid circumstances or situations where you used to drink alcohol. For example, do not spend time at a bar where you used to drink. You may need to avoid some people with whom you used to drink also, unless they are ready to help you.
Join an alcohol support group. "Alcoholics Anonymous" has chapters across the United States with daily meetings that can provide support for people with drinking issues. You can attend as many meetings as you like and your participation in this group should remain anonymous -- meaning that the other people attending the meetings cannot divulge your attendance with anyone outside of the group.
Make new non-drinking friends. Reach out to people you meet in a class you take, a sporting team you join or other members of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. By spending time with other people who do not drink, you can shift your focus away from drinking and on to other interests and pursuits.
Stay alert for urges to drink. After you quit drinking, you may encounter strong urges for alcohol. These urges may have connections to situations, places and people or they might hit you without warning. When you feel these urges, fight them with a plan. Have a friend you can call at any time of the day or night. Often just reaching out and talking with someone who knows you and your struggles can be enough to interrupt the urge and stop you from taking that first sip.