How to Cleanse and Get Rid of Alcohol From Your System
Drink more water. Water is an excellent cleansing agent. Consuming 64 oz. of non-alcoholic fluids a day can help keep your system cleansed of many toxins and debris. Juices and herbal teas are also an excellent source of fluids. Sodas are not recommended because they are carbonated. Carbonation can also damage your liver and kidneys and cause urinary tract infections.
Go on a short fast. This fast should last between one to three days. A fast is an excellent way to refocus organs, such as the liver and kidneys, to do their intended job of cleansing the body of toxins. Fasting is a method of cleansing that is supported and used by many substance abuse treatment centers.
Cleanse the liver with herbal remedies. Milk Thistle is a popular remedy that is available for purchase in most health food stores. It is strongly recommended that you only take one liver-cleansing herb at a time. Strengthening the liver assists in filtering out impurities such as toxins, poisons and other harmful substances. If you need assistance in selecting an herb that is right for your liver, consult with an herbalist.
Exercise daily. This will help the body heal itself from any damage the alcohol has done. Exercising increases the release of toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Any type of exercise is beneficial, but moderate aerobic exercise is recommended for sweating out toxins.