The Effects of Alcohol on Your Body for the First Time
Immediate Effects
Alcohol has an impact on the way the brain functions. From the moment you have your first sip, your brain's central nervous system becomes impaired. One of the first symptoms of drinking alcohol is your ability to loosen up or relax. After a few more drinks, intoxication begins to set in. Symptoms include slurred speech, blurred vision, loss in judgment, decreased balance, sweating, and a dulling sensation of pain. These immediate effects are typically gone the next day.
The Next Morning
After your night of drinking, you will most likely wake up with a hangover. Because alcohol causes stomach irritation, you may experience sickness or even diarrhea. Alcohol also cause dehydration, which is why most people who drink have a headache in the morning. You may also have heavy sweating, tiredness, blurred vision, dizziness, or a shaky feeling.
Long-term Effects
If you continue to consume alcohol on a regular basis, the long-term effects are more severe and lasting. Alcohol is linked to many deaths worldwide. If alcohol is misused, it can lead to an increase in cancer, pancreatitis and liver disease. Studies report that alcohol can help with heart disease, however, this is in very low levels of consumption, no more than one alcoholic beverage per day.
Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol addiction is a concern for people who drink on a regular basis. Health problems can occur after drinking regularly over a short period of time. Likewise, addiction can occur as early as 18 months after beginning to drink. Many factors can lead to addiction, such as amount and frequency you consume alcohol, and genetic factors. If a history of alcoholism runs in your family, this can increase the speed of developing alcohol addiction in you.