The Effects of THC Use
THC can cause distorted perceptions, difficulty concentrating and difficulty with problem solving. THC has also been shown to cause memory problems and problems with learning. These effects can last for days or weeks, depending on how much was used. People who use marijuana have higher rates of anxiety, depression and even schizophrenia. In some instances, a person may experience hallucinations and disorientation, which may make him feel paranoid.
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, marijuana increases the heart rate by 20 to 100 percent shortly after smoking and the increase can last up to three hours after using. This strain on the heart causes an increased risk of heart attack in marijuana users. Smoking marijuana can cause upper respiratory problems, such as chronic cough and frequent lung infections. THC or marijuana can also effect the areas of the brain that control movements and can reduce coordination.
Short-term & Long-term Effects
The short-term effects mostly include problems with memory and learning. People will have difficulty concentrating and reduced hand-eye coordination. THC will cause the user to lose sense of time and space. Effects of THC use can begin within minutes of using and may have residual effects for up to 24 hours. As far as any long-term effects, there are currently no known cases of overdose on THC and no reported deaths linked directly to its use. Although, smoking marijuana does introduce chemicals to the lungs and can impair lung function, much like smoking tobacco does. Chronic users of marijuana can develop a tolerance for the drug and even become addicted to its effects.
THC or marijuana has been used for centuries to treat illnesses and symptoms in patients. In modern medicine, THC is used as an analgesic to reduce pain. It has also been used to treat cancer patients who suffer from chronic nausea and vomiting. People who suffer from glaucoma have shown improvement in their condition with medicinal marijuana use. Medical marijuana with THC has also been successful in treating patients with Tourette Syndrome.