What Are Some Behaviors of Coke Users?
Impulsive Behavior
Cocaine gives the user the feeling that he can do anything, say anything and overcome anything that comes his way. This exalted confidence has a cocaine user react impulsively due to the feelings the drug enhances and the surges of physical strength he feels.
Impaired Mind
A person on cocaine will begin slurring his speech and his thinking will become erratic and confused. His mind will be trying to process the overload of sensations and his muscles will be reacting to the drug. This leads to short temper, unexplained tension and an impaired mind. In more extreme cases, it can lead to mental breakdowns and even personality disorders. In those extreme cases, the user's behavior will become extremely erratic and she will no longer be able to tell the difference between what is real and what she is merely conjuring up in her mind.
Excessive Sweat
One of the effects of cocaine is the production of excess sweat. This is brought on by a sudden increase in the user's heartbeat that can cause rapid breathing, headaches and dry mouth. A person on cocaine will be excessively jittery, will sweat profusely and may drink copious amounts of water for no discernible reason.
Some cocaine users experience hallucinations that are brought on as a side effect of the drug. This causes them to react to things that are not actually present. This should be taken as a severe warning sign since the cocaine user will not be able to distinguish between reality and his imagination until the crash.
The Crash
Cocaine users reach immense heights on the drug, but the fall is always inevitable. Another behavioral pattern for cocaine users is a sudden loss of energy and strength that leaves that user in a terrible mood. These crashes are often accompanied by violent behavior, sulking and depressed thoughts.