How to Get Skinny for Teens

As children grow into their teen years, they worry more about appearance and compare themselves with other adolescent friends and peers. Weight worries teens who may not be sure of the safest or best way to lose unwanted pounds. Being too skinny or being overweight can negatively impact your health; check with your doctor for a healthy weight range that works for your body. Looking like models and actresses should not be your goal, but strive to have a healthy body and a good self-image.


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      Determine a target weight. Make sure it is realistic, based on your doctor's advice and body type.

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      Set a goal date for weight loss. You can set a final goal date, and work toward "baby steps" along the way. Safe and healthy guidelines average a one-pound or two-pound weight loss per week, no more than 10 pounds in a month. Be realistic about your weight loss. You didn't gain all your weight overnight, and you won't be able to lose it quickly either.

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      Change your eating habits. Eat breakfast. Read drink labels carefully to check for hidden calories; they add up quickly. Avoid junk food and stock up on fruits and veggies. They offer healthy calorie choices and fill you up faster than sugary snacks with empty calories and no nutritional value. Eat more slowly; your stomach will feel full more quickly.

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      Exercise. When you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. Exercise boosts your metabolism, helps your body use food more efficiently, acts as a natural antidepressant and promotes overall well-being.

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