How to Build Positive Self Confidence in Youth
The self-esteem in youth builds from the moment a child comes into the world. The friends and family that surrounds the youth help encourage or discourage self-confidence. Ask Dr. Sears states that positive self-confidence helps your child have a lifetime of social happiness and emotional stability. If the youth experiences healthy self-esteem, this will play out in relationships, school and a future career. Certain steps can help encourage self-confidence among youth.Instructions
Praise your kids. The Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh states that praising your kids throughout the day will help raise their self-confidence. As a child becomes more self-confident, he also becomes more competent. Encouraging your child even when he loses a game or gets a bad grade will help him build the confidence to improve the next time he tries.
Encourage individuality. If your child wants to learn something new, allow her to learn by practicing. Demonstrate how to accomplish the activity and then allow your child to complete it without your help. Your child becoming successful in her new activity on her own will build self-confidence and encourage independence, according to Kids Health.
Address your child by name. Ask Dr. Sears states that calling your child by name lets him feel special. If you call your child by name, he should develop the self-confidence to call other people by name. This allows for direct communication between you and your child as well as helping your child become a direct communicator with others.
Evaluate your child's support system. The people surrounding your child should provide encouragement rather than criticism, according to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. Monitor your child's friendships to make sure that she spends time with positive people. If your child experiences too much criticism from a coach or teacher, remove that child and find people who will motivate your child rather than make her feel bad. Expose your child to positive influences through the church, sports or other healthy activities.