Good Things About Chewing Gum
When you're on the road without a toothbrush you can use gum as a way to "brush" your teeth. It's best to use a sugar-free gum for this purpose. As you chew the gum, it cleans the surface of your teeth.
Promoting Saliva
Chewing gum promotes saliva production in your mouth. Saliva contains carbohydrates and enzymes, and important bacteria-fighting antibodies. As a result, saliva reduces the acids that cause teeth decay.
Bad Breath
Chewing gum helps alleviate bad breath. Some manufacturers make flavored gum with strong aromatic overtones specifically for this purpose. Additionally, some gum formulas include magnolia bark extract, which fights the germs that cause bad breath.
Improved Focus
According to studies done at the Baylor College of Medicine, children who chew gum do better on tests and homework. The study also revealed that gum chewer's final grades were higher than those who did not chew gum.
A study done at Louisiana State University showed that chewing gum after a meal decreases snacking. That means chewing gum can help dieters deter cravings.