About Hair Growth in Puberty
A child goes through puberty as he or she transitions into adulthood. During this stage, sexual and skeletal growth is completed. Puberty begins between ages 9 and 13 for girls, and between 10 and 14 for boys. During puberty, girls grow more hair, increase body fat mass, experience skeletal growth, and develop sexual organs such as breasts, labia and uterus. Boys grow more hair, increase muscle mass, change their voices, experience a growth spurt, and develop sexual organs such as testicles, penis, prostate and scrotum.
Puberty Stages for Girls
On average, girls grow their first strands of pubic hair at the age of 11, after their breasts start growing. Then girls experience a growth spurt, more breast development, and their first menstruation. Hair begins to grow in their armpits at 12 or 13. By the time they are about 14 to 15, girls usually have completed pubic hair growth. This is followed by the completion of skeletal growth and breast development.
Puberty Stages for Boys
Boys first grow pubic hair at the average age of 12, after their testicles start growing. They then experience penis growth, temporary breast development, voice change and growth spurt. At the age of 14, boys start growing hair in their armpits. After experiencing their first wet dreams and getting their adult voices, facial hair begin to appear. The average boy starts growing a mustache at 15 and whiskers at 16.
Girls and Hair
During puberty, girls grow hair underneath their arms and in the pubic area, including between the legs, above and around the vagina entrance. More hair also grows on the arms and legs. The hair grows gradually, appearing to be light at soft at first, and getting thicker with time. The color of body hair may be similar to the hair on the head or darker. Girls might feel self-conscious and want to start getting rid of body hair. There are many different hair removal techniques that they can use, such as shaving, waxing or using hair-removing creams. Otherwise, they can consider wearing clothes that cover hairy areas if they're not ready for hair removal.
Boys and Hair
During puberty, a boy usually grows hair underneath his arms, on his upper lip, cheeks, chin, neck and in the pubic area, including between his legs, above and around his penis and on his scrotum. More hair also grows on his arms and legs. The hairs start out thin and soft, then become thicker and darker gradually. Pubic hair may turn curly with time. Some boys also grow hair on their chest, back or bottom in the later stages of puberty. Body and facial hair may differ in color from the hair on the head. The timing and intensity of hair growth differs for individual boys. If boys don't like the look of their facial hair, they can choose to shave using an electronic shaver, or a razor and shaving cream.