How to Remove Small Birthmarks
Speak to your doctor about taking medication to eliminate and remove a small birthmark. One option is a corticosteroids, which the doctor uses in an injection and shoots directly into your skin. The doctor may recommend that you take the medication in a pill form instead. Most people notice a change in the color of the birthmark within the first few weeks.
Use over-the-counter skin creams designed to lighten dark skin. It may take a few weeks before you see results. Apply the cream directly to the birthmark and wait for it to slowly start lightening the color of the scar.
Have laser therapy done on the birthmark. Laser therapy works best on darker birthmarks, including those with red or brown coloring. The laser removes most of the birthmark; but because there’s a risk of scarring, you may want to try a different method.
Ask your doctor about surgical options. Surgery is sometimes viewed as the last resort for removing birthmarks because it’s often painful and usually leaves a scar. Your doctor may recommend surgery if your birthmark is located on a prominent part of your body or causes health problems.
Go through a process known as electrodesiccation. This process uses a series of electric needles that puncture your skin quickly at one time. The needles are applied directly to your birthmark to remove all traces of the scar.