How to Stop a Teen Girl From Wetting the Bed
Things You'll Need
- Moisture alarm
Limit the intake of fluids about two hours before going to bed. Avoid any foods after dinner that are irritating to the bladder, such as chocolate, soda, coffee and tea.
Remind your daughter to go to the bathroom right before she goes to bed. Even if she doesn't feel the need to go, she should try anyway.
Use positive imagery. Tell your daughter to think positive, that she believes she will wake up in the morning without having had a bedwetting incident. Some patients have found that giving themselves small rewards for waking up dry can also help them get rid of this problem.
Place a moisture alarm on your daughter's bed sheet, underwear or pajamas. This bedwetting alarm sounds a loud buzzer or bell the instant it senses moisture, when the bedwetter is just starting to wet the bed. Your daughter can go to the bathroom when she is alerted and then return to sleep. Be patient with a bedwetting alarm as it may take several weeks before you see positive results.
Discuss bladder-strengthening exercises with a physician. These exercises consist of holding the urine for varying lengths of time so the bladder enlarges and becomes stronger.
Make sure your daughter is getting enough sleep. Most teen need at least eight hours of sleep each night so they aren't too sleepy to get up and use the bathroom. Some bedwetting teens are just too exhausted that they forget to go.
Implement a backup plan. Your daughter may need another family member to wake her up if the alarm fails to wake her.