How the Body Changes During Puberty
The Beginning
There is no set date or age at which puberty will come on for a person, as every person is different, so is their aging process. For girls, puberty can be expected a little sooner, anywhere between 8 and 15 years old, while boys may experience it later, say between 10 and 15 years old. Puberty begins when your body begins releasing new hormones, in girls estrogen and boys testosterone, telling your body to begin the growing process.
Reproductive Changes
Reproductively, boys and girls bodies go through some big changes when it comes to puberty. In girls, most notably is the onslaught of menstruation, the monthly cycle of releasing an egg, ovulation, then when the egg goes unfertilized shedding it and the bloody membranes in the uterus, which is what causes periods. In boys, reproductive changes include beginning to make sperm, erections as a result, along with sleep erections where they may get aroused and ejaculate semen in their sleep.
Body Shape and Growth Changes
Puberty also includes a number of bodily changes in shape and hair, along with reproductive changes. Bodily changes in both girls and boys include hair growth in the arm pits and in the genital regions. Boys will also begin growing facial hair too. For girls, they may begin growing breasts, getting taller and more womanly looking. While boys will grow taller, their chests may get bigger along with their penises and testicles.
Psychological Changes
Psychologically, boys' and girls' brains go through some ups and downs during puberty. This is as a result of those new hormones coursing through the body, which can cause strong feelings and sensitivity. You may feel more prone to anger and sadness, embarrassment and general mood swings. You may also feel changing sexual feelings; as your body is maturing sexually, so is your brain. You may start noticing the opposite sex more and begin feeling an attraction, both mentally and physically.
Other Changes
Boys will also go through a vocal change, a period where they stop sounding like boys and getting deeper more adult voices. This can be embarrassing, as during this period their voices may crack often as their vocal chords adjust. Your skin may begin breaking out, as hormones can cause oily skin and acne. Finally boys and girls will begin to notice a fowl body odor, as their sweat glands are stimulated during puberty as well.