Tips & Hints on Puberty
Puberty begins when glands in your brain begin to produce and release hormones that cause your body to change and mature. Males notice several physical changes that may happen suddenly or gradually over several years, including becoming taller and gaining weight. Along with height differences, males’ bodies start to develop more muscle tissue, and their shoulders widen. The sex organs, the penis and testicles, start to grow as well. Body hair begins to sprout in the armpits, face, arms, legs and groin. Many males also grow hair on their chests, backs and lower stomach.
Females also grow during puberty. They start to develop curves around their thighs and hips, and their breasts start to develop. Sometimes the breasts grow unevenly, which is normal. Many adult females have one breast that is slightly larger or smaller than the other one. Females start to grow hair under their arms, on their legs and in their genital area. You may start to shave your underarm and leg hair during puberty. Many females notice a clear, white or yellow vaginal discharge during puberty. This discharge will not harm you, but you may feel more comfortable wearing a thin panty liner if you notice some discharge in your underwear.
Sweat glands become more active during puberty for males and females. Once puberty begins, start wearing deodorant every day, and pay special attention to hygiene to prevent body odor and oily skin. The oil glands on the face also become more active. Excess oil can clog pores and cause pimples. Keep your face and hair clean, and avoid touching your face with your hands or hair to help keep your skin clear.
Sexual Changes
Sexual changes begin to occur during puberty. Males start to produce sperm, which makes them capable of fathering a child through sexual intercourse with a female. Males may notice more frequent erections, or hardening, of the penis. Most males start to have more sexual feelings.
Females begin to menstruate during puberty. The ovaries begin to release an egg every month. If the egg is not fertilized, the uterus sheds its lining because it is not needed to hold a fertilized egg in place in the womb. The lining passes through the vagina as blood and discharge. At this point, a female is fully capable of becoming pregnant. It is possible to get pregnant before you have your first period as well. You may begin to feel sexually aroused at times or have thoughts about masturbation. This is perfectly normal, and it will not harm you.
Do not allow anyone to pressure you into sex. Unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases that could affect you for the rest of your life. Do not be afraid to talk to a trusted adult about sex if you have any questions.
Emotional Changes
Going through puberty can be a very emotional time, filled with ups and downs. Your body is getting used to new hormones, and at the same time you are probably starting to take on more responsibilities at home and at school. The teenage years can be very overwhelming. Talk with your parents, a trusted adult or a counselor about any intense emotions or feelings you are having.