What Is Considered Late Puberty?
Symptoms of late puberty in boys include a lack of testicular enlargement and pubic hair. Symptoms of late puberty in girls include lack of breasts and a menstrual period.
Late puberty may be caused by factors such as a family history of late development, chronic illness, malnourishment, problems with the pituitary or thyroid glands, or a chromosome disorder.
Late puberty may be diagnosed by a health care professional by reviewing the teen's family and personal medical history and performing a physical, basic laboratory tests and hormone level tests.
Treatment for late puberty is dependent on the underlying cause. In most cases when the cause is due to a family history of developmental delay, no treatment is needed. However, supplemental sex hormones are prescribed in some cases.
Late puberty can be difficult for teens to cope with, and it may be helpful to discuss emotions associated with late puberty with a parent, doctor or other trusted adult.