How Many Fruits & Vegetables Should a Teenager Eat?
A serving for fruits and vegetables is 1 cup--about the size of a closed fist or an apple.
Teen girls need about 2200 calories; 3 servings of fruit and 4 servings of vegetables each day. Teen boys need 2800 calories; 4 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables.
Portion Size
A good way to ensure your teen is eating proper portions is to divide the plate into quarters. One quarter should be starch (preferably whole grain), one meat, one fruit and one vegetable.
Talk with your teen and explain how important nutrition is to overall health. Teaching by example is an effective way to improve the entire family's health.
Make it easy for teens to reach for fruits and vegetables by replacing in-home junk foods with appropriate snacks and sides.
Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that can't be found in other foods. These nutrients include antioxidants that are important to long-term health.