How Old Do You Have to Be to Wear Contacts?
Average Starting Age
Many opticians report ages eight to 14 as a median age range for beginning contact lens wear. As a child's identity develops, he may realize glasses detract from feelings of self-confidence and may offer this as a valid reason for obtaining lenses.
Proven Responsibility
A child or teen should have a demonstrated record of responsibility before he is given the opportunity to wear contacts. The child should be able to accomplish tasks such as homework and basic chores.
A child or teen wishing to wear contacts should be responsible with hygiene. This means living in a clean environment and performing daily self-care tasks such as showering and brushing the teeth. If a child is too young for these basic responsibilities, he may be unable to properly care for contact lenses.
If the teen or child is old enough to be active in gym and sports, soft contact lenses can be a safer option. This is also helpful if he participates in a sport requiring a helmet or goggles.
The cost of contact lenses is usually more expensive than glasses. If cost is a concern for your family, the child in question may need to be old enough to supplement income for the lenses by taking a part-time job.
Children must comprehend the dangers of failing to clean lenses. Most importantly, a child must be old enough to understand the consequences of failing to clean and replace lenses as instructed. The child or teen needs to comprehend the serious nature (and expense) of eye infections that could result from improper use.