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Why Do We Grow Hair During Puberty?
Androgen Definition
Androgen is a broad term that encompasses a number of steroid hormones produced either by the testes or adrenal glands, including testosterone.
Androgen-Sensitive Hair
Though the hair on our heads can be stimulated by small amounts of androgen, it takes much larger doses to stimulate growth in other areas.
Pubic Androgens
The onset of puberty creates a "critical mass" of steroids in the human body, which is enough to stimulate growth of body and facial hair.
Body Hair
It has been postulated that pubic and body hair grows at the onset of sexual maturity for warmth and to trap the sexual-attractant pheromones produced in these areas.
Facial Hair
The medically accepted rationale for facial and underarm hair is that it helps to prevent skin from rubbing against itself and chafing during physical activity.