Teenagers & Abdominal Pain
Functional Abdominal Pain
Functional Abdominal Pain is a result of lifestyle, eating habits or stress. This is more often associated with teenagers who sometimes experience a high level of stress in their lives. This type of stomach pain is easy to solve with a change in lifestyle.and habits.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is experienced as cramping in the abdomen, associated with loose or mucous stools. Doctors often treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome with a change in diet and specific medications to regulate bowel function and stop cramping sensations.
Kidney Stones
Teenagers who are prone to kidney stones often experience lower front abdominal pain. However, the pain starts in the back and migrates to the front as the stone moves through the urinary system. This type of problem needs to be diagnosed, specifically by a kidney or urinary specialist.
Pain felt in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen might be a result of appendicitis. This pain is often felt as intense stabbing pain and is sometimes experienced with a fever. This can be critical, especially if the appendix has ruptured. A teen with this type of pain should seek medical advice immediately.
Female Problems
Many teenage girls, who have just started their periods, complain of cramping. While this may be a common complaint, extended or prolonged pain should be addressed with a gynecologist.