Pregnancy Prevention Grants
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy is an organization that is a primary recipient for government grant funding for the prevention of teen and unplanned pregnancy in the United States. The organization use grant monies to work close with community and non-profit based organizations who promote their mission statement and agenda. They also use grant funding for critical areas of research with teen pregnancy prevention, population control, and education. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy offers grants to other pregnancy prevention programs and grant seekers must contact this organization to find out more information about available funding.
According to the American Pregnancy Association around 470,000 children are born to teenage mothers each year and 3,000,000 teens have sexually transmitted diseases (STD) during this time frame as well. With such a high number of children being born to teens and a prevalence of STD's non-profit and community based organizations in various areas of the country must be able to offer solutions and practices to help alleviate this problem. The Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Initiative is a program used by many organizations around the country to effectively reduce and manage the teen problems previously mentioned. This program is funded by government grants and many state based community pregnancy prevention organizations use the program for population management in their area.
The Children's Aid Society reveals that the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy and teen birth than any other industrialized country on Earth. With 4 out of 10 teenaged females getting pregnant before age 20 the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program is an important measure used by the Children's Aid Society in stemming this situation. The program focuses on sexual literacy for children, promoting employment opportunity, and helping them to achieve personal goals in life that they help the children to set. The Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program is offered by many organizations around the country who work to reduce teen pregnancies and various foundations such as the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation provides grant funding to help the program.
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is a health care and sexual information organization for many people across the globe. One of the objectives of this group is to work primarily with teenage females with reducing birth rates. Planned Parenthood is supported by federal funding and by 2010 they will receive a part of the $178 million dollars for evidence based sexual education programs that help to prevent teen pregnancy.
Federal grants that are used for teen pregnancy prevention are primarily given to national and state organizations that work to reduce teem pregnancy within their region. State government usually funds organizations and non-profits with funds from the federal government. Foundations will usually send their support directly to non-profit and community organizations. Grant seekers for organizations should begin their search on a state level and local pregnancy prevention programs that seek assistance should begin at the community level.