Why Do Teens Get Acne at Certain Ages?
Acne affects teenagers during puberty.
Acne usually begins to affect girls at age 11 and boys a couple of years later. This is because girls reach puberty before boys. Acne will usually disappear when the teenage years are over, although some adults suffer from acne.
Pores in the skin contain glands that produce oil for lubricating hair and skin. When a teenager reaches puberty, there might be an overproduction of oil, which clogs the pores. Bacteria get trapped in the skin and acne develops.
Whitehead and blackhead pimples are the most common types of acne and the easiest to treat. More severe acne will be accompanied by redness, inflammation or pain.
Acne can be controlled by the daily use of a facial cleanser. It is important not to squeeze any pimples because it will irritate the skin.
Mild and moderate acne can be treated with topical medication or extraction, the removal of the acne by a dermatologist. Severe acne can be treated with antibiotics.