What Can a Person Do to Get Taller?
It is hard to be patient, but in order to get taller, the best thing for you to do is to wait. Most people experience growth spurts through 20 years old, and some people even grow after that. It can seem hard to wait, especially if all of your friends are already taller than you. People grow at different rates, and some people experience their growth spurts much later than others. If you want to have an idea of how tall you might get, look at your parents and aunts and uncles. Their height will be an idea of how tall you will get in your lifetime.
Healthy Diet and Exercise
A healthy diet and proper exercise is going to help you get taller because eating right and exercising helps your body to be as healthy as possible. Normal cell growth can only take place if your body is already healthy. If you aren't getting proper nutrition, your body will not have the energy to get taller. If you aren't exercising, your body does not burn extra fat and calories, and you will be too heavy, which will also impede your growth. A healthy diet for getting taller includes lots of milk and dairy products so that your bones will be strong and will grow, and plenty of fruits and vegetables to make you strong and healthy. A good exercise regimen, which includes active motion every day, keeps your joints and bones limber and moving and encourage them to reach their full height.
Stay Away From Dangers
Steroids, drugs and supplements that are designed to make you grow more quickly are dangerous. Steroids can help build muscle with exercise, but they are much more dangerous than helpful because of the complications that can occur and because of the dangers to your heart, mind and internal organs. Other drugs and supplements that are chemically created to encourage growth have devastating side effects, and actually damage your body's natural potential for growth. In order to get taller, do it naturally and stay away from these things.