The Effects of Heavy Metal Music
Lack of Negative Impact
Not all heavy metal music contains negative messages. And for many well-adjusted listeners who are not at risk for deviant behavior, this style of music is not a negative influence.
At-Risk Youth
Youth who are considered at-risk (depressed, substance abusers and those experiencing feelings of alienation, family problems or suicidal thoughts), are more likely to listen to heavy metal and be influenced negatively, according to researchers Donald F. Roberts and Peter G. Christenson.
Some heavy metal lyrics describe violence, substance abuse, risky sexual behavior, suicide and practices associated with the occult and, according to the National Institute on Media and the Family, these lyrics may sway impressionable listeners.
Music in general has an effect on emotions and moods; heavy metal music often has an aggressive or depressive mood.
Many heavy metal musicians personify behavior that is rebellious and risky. Teens who look up to these musicians may emulate them.