How to Lose Weight for Teen Girls
Losing Weight for Teenage Girls
Set a realistic goal. When you know what is healthy and what is unhealthy, you will have a better idea of what you can do to find a healthy weight. Do not just assume that because a model in a magazine is pretty that she is at a healthy weight. Fight the urge to use diet pills or other unhealthy options to lose weight. Realize that losing weight takes time, but it will be good for your body.
Get moving. One of the best ways to start losing weight is to exercise. Join a sports team or take up a more physical hobby. If sports are not your thing, do simple things to exercise more. Take your dog for a walk, or walk or ride your bike to school. Not only will exercising help you to lose weight, you will also feel better about yourself.
Eat a healthy breakfast. Getting up in the morning can be difficult, but starting your day with a healthy breakfast can be a good way to reach your weight loss goals. By eating a good breakfast in the morning, you will jump-start your metabolism in the morning and have plenty of energy for the day. Eating breakfast may also help you to stop unnecessary snacking throughout the day.
Monitor portions. Instead of gorging yourself on three or four pieces of pizza, try having one and some fruit or vegetables. Wait between taking seconds. As you watch your portions, you will find that it doesn't take as much food as you thought to feel full. When you eat out, share a meal or order a kid's meal.