Best Acne Scar Treatment
Acne is a common affliction among teenagers and people in their early 20s. Acne occurs in the form of pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. The most common cause is excess oil production by the sebaceous glands. Acne will usually reduce with age, but in some cases it leaves behind deep scars. There are many treatments for dealing with acne scars, but the best ones start treatment early in an attempt to reduce or eliminate the scar before it forms.-
Treat Scars Before They Happen
When the symptoms of acne are healing and the inflammation is reducing, the skin tends to discolor and leave behind lesions or scars. At this time, special care and medical treatment is required so that these lesions do not form. The skin also needs to be protected from direct exposure to the sun, so applying a sunscreen is a good idea.
Certain medications are available to help the process of remodeling of the skin. Tretinoin is known to hasten this process of remodeling, which prevents scars from forming. Formulas containing beta and alpha hydroxy acids are also known to help in this process.
Punch Treatment
There are treatments available for scars that have already developed. The best acne scar treatment will come from a consultation with a dermatologist, who will diagnose how deep the scar is and advise on the steps to be taken.
A treatment known as the punch technique is used for deeper scars. The punch technique involves the use of a biopsy tool to surgically suture the scar closed. The scarring from sutures is supposed to fade with time. This will reduce the scar's depth, and there is also little chance of discoloration.
Laser Treatment
Laser resurfacing is a modern method used for the treating acne scars. This technique involves the precise removal of the old skin by laser, so that a fresh layer of skin forms in its place. This treatment is not recommended for people with darker skin complexion, as the treatment sometimes leaves behind a pink coloration. Those with fair skin should notice acne scars being essentially erased, leaving no visible traces behind.
Non-Surgical Treatment
If you do not want to treat your acne scars with surgery, many commercial products are available that promise to remove even the deepest scars. Many such products are known to have formulas of herbs and vitamins for skin rejuvenation. However, these products should also be approached with caution. It is always best to seek the opinion of a licensed dermatologist before self-medicating.