Define Puberty
Age Range
Puberty typically occurs between the ages of 11 and 16 in boys and 10 and 14 in girls. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), African-American girls start puberty earlier than Caucasian girls, at the average age of 9.
First Signs
The first sign of puberty in girls is the development of breasts. In boys, the testicles enlarge first.
Additional Physical Changes for Girls
After breast development, pubic hair grows, followed by axillary (underarm) hair. Acne breakouts, growth spurts and the emergence of body odor occur. According to, menstruation is the last physical change girls undergo during puberty.
Additional Physical Changes for Boys
Testicle growth is followed by penile growth. Pubic and axillary hairs emerge. A boy's voice deepens, and he will also experience acne, growth spurts, facial hair and body odor. In puberty, a boy's testicles produce sperm; wet dreams, or ejaculating during sleep, commonly occur.
Emotional Changes
When a young person is going through puberty, hormones cause emotional changes. Young people become easily upset, overly sensitive or self-conscious. This is common as they adjust to their changing bodies.