Fun Outdoor Exercises for Kids
Relay Races
Provide enough relay races for the children so that they are active for at least 30 minutes. These relay races can all be different. You may have the kids run from Point A to Point B and stop to do 20 jumping jacks. They may then run to Point C and stop to do 20 sit ups. A finish line can be at Point D. The possibilities are endless. You can put 5 lb. weights out and require the kids to do 10 arm curls or set out a hula hoop and not allow them to move on until they hold a successful hula for 60 seconds. The kids will laugh and have a great time while doing these relay races.
Set out a trampoline in the back yard. Trampolines naturally attract kids for an exercise program. The kids can simply jump for 30 minutes or you can play a game of Simon says with them. While they are jumping, have them touch their noses or rub their tummies. Better yet, have them do both at the same time. You can even give them a ball and have them bounce the ball at the same time they are jumping. Whichever child loses control of the ball first, is out. The child who is left standing is the winner.
Scavenger Hunt
Hide a bunch of your child's favorite toys in the backyard. Then give him a list of the toys you hid and have him find the toys. All the running around will count as cardio exercise. If you hide some toys under rocks or logs, your child will have to do some weightlifting to find the toys. If you don't have a large enough backyard, you can go to the park and play the same game. You may not want to bring all of your child's toys with you, but you can make a scavenger hunt out of park items. You can have the kids find acorns, pine cones or oak leaves. Try to have the scavenger hunt last for 30 minutes.