How to Make Your Body Grow Tall
Pay attention to your posture. Slumping over makes you appear shorter. Stand up and sit straight with your shoulders back. You will actually be standing as much as an inch taller.
Eat a diet rich in calcium, proteins, vitamins, minerals and protein. Consume milk and meat products, as well as fruits and vegetables to ensure you get these in your diet. Calcium is especially important because it helps with the development of your bones, which is integral to growing to your full height.
Get plenty of sleep every night. It is true that the body already has natural growth hormones. According to Homeopath Melanie Grimes, while you are sleeping the amino acid glutamine stimulates these growth hormones, thus stimulating your body to grow.
Exercise regularly. The combination of a good diet, plenty of sleep and exercise best helps your body to produce enough growth hormone to help it grow.
Laugh often. As strange as this sounds, according to Bernie Siegel, M.D., laughter is one of the best ways to stimulate your body to create more human growth hormone.